“I Like Messy People; People Who Don’t Fit in a Box or Stay Between the Lines, but Whose Integrity is Greater than any Rule Book.” (Anonymous)
The etcetera page is also The Page Formerly Known as the “The Page Where I Put Things That I Don’t Know Where to Put.” Which is also a way of saying this is the graveyard, auto salvage yard, the junk drawer, or whatever you prefer. If it’s found in here, it’s usually because it’s something random that I didn’t quite know what to do with. Don’t judge, I actually don’t know one person who doesn’t have a junk drawer. You know what I’m saying, it’s THAT drawer whose purpose is undefined. It’s filled with an assortment of life: different random buttons, chargers to God-Only-Know-What, a wrapper less cough drop stuck to the side of a manual for a vacuum cleaner you don’t actually own anymore, business cards from people that you don’t even remember meeting, an old 22 cent stamp from the 1980’s because that was the decade where you last mailed a letter, and of course, the one junk drawer essential element: a hodgepodge of pens that are either dried out or completely out of ink. Yes, peeps, it’s the etcetera page. Own it.