I'm a Mother of 8, Wife to 1, and a Perplexing Psychological Case to Many, Including Myself. I'm a Fan of the 1980's, a Wannabe Occasional Hipster, and a Shortcut Taker. Mostly, I'm a Lover, Not a Fighter.
So. If there's one thing I've learned so f in life, it's that I don't really know anything. The practice that I've developed over the past few years is something I'm very proud of: letting go of the habits and practices that no longer serve me, to allow room for the adoption of new ideas. Fostering a spirit of constant curioslity. A willingness to change a circumstance if I can, and if I can't, a willingness to accept things just as they are. A reminder that every circumstance in my life is there to teach me something. A realization that when I make a decision, there really is no "good" or "bad." Just varying degrees of usefulness for the next choice. Some of my greatest teachers are my children and my husband, who show me more about myself than I ever thought possible. And finally, the answer is always love. Especially the questions that don't have tangible answers that my finite mind can comprehend, or when there really is no "answer". What works for today may not work for tomorrow. That's OK, as I follow the fluidity of the river of my life unfolding. The one thing I can control is practicing generously giving more love, more understanding, more compassion. Always. MORE. LOVE.
The basics: Well ok so, I’m wife to Andrew and the mother of 8 babies. Yes, EIGHT. 4 boys and 4 girls. Yes, they are all mine with Andrew, no other baby daddies, no blended family. Yes, I was pregnant with and delivered them all (and they all came out fast and furiously, as if they were on a mission to exit the womb and get started on their lives!) No, I'm not Mormon or Catholic. Can you tell these are the questions I’m asked….OFTEN.
My blog is a place for me to explore the inner workings of my mind (scary!), recount crazy stories from my life, and mostly to pursue the practice of joining the unfolding of my life as the God of my understanding allows. As I learn and grow, there is a continual thread I've seen woven throughout both the blissful days and darkest days of my life up to this point: If I remain teachable and open-minded, I realize that I am enough, and that my life is perfect just as it is, and just as it isn't. I have found this to be the key to my true personal freedom for today. May you find your true center and inner peace..... XOXO, A-Team Mom